https://doi.org/10.33390/homeros.4.2.03Anahtar Kelimeler:
Ethnoculturology- etimology- borrowed- vocabulary- diachrony- ethnololinguistics- source language- recipient languageÖzet
This article discusses the so-called "recognizable" borrowed words of Turkic, Arabic, Mongolian origin in Russian language. Of particular interest is the etnolinguistic, etimological approach to the analysis of borrowed words in diachrony. The ways of borrowing vocabulary are considered, language signs with you can find out, determine the origin of borrowed words. The behavior of "migratory lexical material" (Turkisms, Arabisms, Mongolizm) in Russian is traced.The reasons for the "recognition" of borrowed vocabulary is the preservation of linguistic features from the source language in the recipient language.Most of the borrowed words of Turkisms, Arabisms, Mongolisms, undergoing changes at different levels of the borrowing language, in different periods, are recognizable.The scientific results of the dissertation contribute to the solution of the problems of the historical lexicology of the Russian language, semasiology and lexicology of the modern Russian language, the theory of borrowing, language contacts, cultural linguistics, ethnolinguistics,etymology.
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