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Reitratives, Meaning, Sentence, Yaşar KemalAbstract
Reitratives are one of the most important language elements that contribute to the harmony of sound and pronunciation in Turkish. Reitratives, It is quite a lot in Turkish language. That is why, in many literary works, these phrases often appear. One of the important writers of our literature, Yaşar Kemal’s in the named of “Üç Anadolu Efsanesi” here are many reitratives in the “Köroğlu” story. In this study, the meaning of the reitratives added to the sentence in Yaşar Kemal's “Köroğlu” story is discussed. Within the semantic fiction of the sentence, the contributions of the dilemmas to the sentence were determined with examples. In addition, the success of Yaşar Kemal's dilemmas which have an important place in the Turkish vocabulary, has been demonstrated.
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(TDK. Türk Dil Kurumu, (Erişim Tarihi: 20.11.2019)
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