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Oxford Dictionary, İdioms, Word GroupsAbstract
Idioms are phrases that are found in the vocabulary of the Turkish language and increase their meaningful wealth. However, other languages are not as broad as Turkish language, but they are the structures encountered. “Oxford Dictionary Of Idioms” dictionary prepared for English is also a dictionary of idioms. From the idioms in this dictionary, the idioms given under the letter A and B with the article “An Evaluation on Idioms and Non-Idiotic Phrases in the Dictionary of Idioms” written by Necmi Akyalçın and Sercan Hamza Bağlama; The terms given under the letter C were analyzed by Necmi Akyalçın and Damla Aydoğan with the paper titled “An Evaluation on Idioms and Non-Idiotic Phrases in the Dictionary of Oxford Dıctıonary Of Idıoms” presented at the conference named “III International conferance of Awarenessa”. Since this study is a continuation of the others, the structures given as D and E per item in the dictionary mentioned in the direction of previous studies and with the same target were examined. The structures that are thought to be real idioms were determined and put together with numerical data and an evaluation was made.
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Elektronik Kaynaklar:
Tureng Dictionary and Translation Ltd.: (Erişim Tarih: 15.10.2019)
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