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Communication, Internal Communication, Job SatisfactionAbstract
The aim of this research is to examine the effect of internal communication inside work place on employees satisfaction. For this research, by performing surveys with 386 stuffs of a company in Canakkale with the help of convenience sampling method in the period between July and August of 2018 datas were obtained. In survey work satisfaction scale proposed by Weiss (1967) and communication scale proposed by Miles vd (1996) were used. T-test, ANOVA, confidence test, factor analysis, correlation and regression analysis were performed on the collected datas. As a result of this research, it is concluded that communication inside work place effected positively the employees work satisfaction. There was no significant difference in terms of job satisfaction and communication according to gender, marital status anda age. In addition, according to the level of education of employees, monthly income and working years, it was found that both job satisfaction and internal communication perception differ.
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