Potential effects of reduced working hours on recreation

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Recreation, Leisure Time, 4 day work week


This study aims to examine the potential effects of a four-day workweek on individuals' recreational behaviors. By addressing the contributions of leisure management to individual and societal well-being, the study evaluates the increased availability of free time in its physical, mental, and social dimensions. Conducted through a literature review, the research highlights the positive impacts of reduced working hours on quality of life, work-life balance, and social connections. The transition to a four-day workweek promotes greater participation in leisure and recreational activities, contributing to mental health and work-life balance. However, the extent to which individuals benefit from this increased free time is influenced by personal preferences, the accessibility of recreational opportunities, and societal norms. Additionally, the study emphasizes the importance of individuals' awareness and competencies in effectively utilizing this additional free time. By shedding light on the opportunities and challenges that increased leisure time may create on both individual and societal levels, this study seeks to contribute to the development of more sustainable working arrangements.


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How to Cite

Çağlayan, M. N., & Uygur, A. (2025). Potential effects of reduced working hours on recreation. JOURNAL OF ORIGINAL STUDIES, 6(1), e2706. https://doi.org/10.47243/jos.2706