Bibliometric analysis of studies published on athletics

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Bibliometrics, Athletics, Collaboration


In this study, 2103 publications produced by athletics sports studies between 2000-2023 were accessed from the Web of Science database and bibliometric analyzes were made with the data obtained. 154 of the 7117 authors in 669 journals in the data set contributed as single researchers. The publication status of the journals in the data set and the citations they received were evaluated. Additionally, the effect of bibliographies was examined. When the distribution of publications by years is examined, it can be stated that the highest number of articles was reached in 2021, 2020 and 2019, respectively. The number of articles for these years are 198, 191 and 176, respectively. With the word cloud analysis, it was seen that the concepts of "humans", "male", "female", "athletes", "adult", "adolescent", "sports", "athletic injuries", "young adult", "athletic performance" were at the center. It has been determined that the Journal of Athletic Training, British Journal of Sports Medicine and The American Journal of Sports Medicine are among the most influential journals in the field. In addition, it can be said that Casa D.J., Edouard, P. and Timpka T. are among the authors who produced the most articles, and Linköping University and the University of Connecticut are among the institutions that are at the forefront. It has been determined that the country that cooperates the most and makes the strongest contribution in the field is France. With this study, it is suggested to describe the articles published on athletics from different perspectives and to be a guide for researchers.


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Author Biography

Şenol Çelik, Bingöl University / Türkiye



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How to Cite

Çelik, Şenol. (2024). Bibliometric analysis of studies published on athletics. JOURNAL OF ORIGINAL STUDIES, 4(2), 101–112.


