Analysis of the globalization relationship with foreign trade in context Turkey's foreign trade and KOF index of globalization

Foreign Trade, Globalization, KOF Globalization Index, Polynomial RegressionAbstract
The needs are constantly increasing and diversifying depend on the population growth and technological developments. Countries whose national resources are insufficient to meet these needs import by turning to foreign resources. In addition, countries also export to ensure their growth and development and to increase the welfare of the country. In fact, they are able to produce and sell under more favorable conditions by realizing their production in different countries through direct foreign capital investments. All these activities bring countries closer together economically, politically, socially and culturally with the effect of their technological developments. This process actually refers to globalization defined differently with various approaches. Foreign trade has contributed significantly to the development and spread of globalization, and at the same time, globalization has also contributed to foreign trade to operate more easily and effectively. In short, foreign trade and globalization contribute to each other's development in an interaction. This interaction in this study were analyzed using Turkey's foreign trade and the KOF Index of Globalization values, and "Simple and Multiple Correlation" and "Simple Linear and Binary Polynomial Regression" analyzes were performed. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that there is a significant and high interaction between globalization and foreign trade.
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