Social Network Analysis, Publish, Citation, PoultryAbstract
The aim of the study is to determined the recent trends by examining 338 studies published in the field of poultry farming within the scope of SCI-Expanded between the years 2002 and 2019 and having the expression “Poultry Science” in the heading of the essay, through social network analysis. In this context, the Web of Science Core Collection database was browsed using the topic title “Poultry Science” and bibliometric data related to the studies was found. Current issues related to the concept of poultry science were revealed by this study to contribute to the academicians and researchers working in the field of stock farming. The studies were investigated in the context of number of issues by years, types of publication, reference analyses, cooperation between countries, and common reference networks. Moreover, social network analysis was used in the identification of references, authors and keywords and references, countries and keywords tendencies. According to the analysis results, the journals that discuss the subject of “poultry science” most often are Poultry Science, Animal Nutrition and International Journal of Food Microbiology, respectively.
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