Agricultural wastes in climate change mitigation

Climate change, agricultural waste, environment, greenhouse gases, evaluationAbstract
Today, among the wastes that harm the environment, there are many wastes such as cleaning agent wastes and expired drugs. In addition to these wastes, agricultural wastes are an important issue. The vast majority of agricultural wastes are wastes containing high cellulose. Agricultural wastes include tobacco plant waste, vineyard and fruit tree pruning residues, wheat straw, cob, cotton stalk, mushroom compost residues, corn stalk, husk, rice bran, pulp, lentil waste, wood shavings, bean straw, leather waste, soybean straw, wastes consisting of a dysfunctional irrigation system and plastic mulches. Gases especially causing greenhouse gas effect (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and other) which are released by the destruction of agricultural and other wastes by burning, accumulate in the atmosphere, causing global warming and negatively affecting the climate. The study has been compiled with the aim of revealing solutions for the use or recycling of agricultural wastes that cause greenhouse gases when destroyed by incineration.
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