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Contemporary Photography Critic
Crisis of Representation
Contemporary Photography in Turkey
Late Avant - Garde

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This study focuses on the photography criticism that is not having a continuous and intellectual tradition, and in parallel with analysis of representation crisis and contemporary photography production in a practical and theoretical context. The aim of the study is to evaluate the articles dealt with in the context of photography criticism, and especially the causes of prejudice and incomplete criticism against contemporary photography. Since the beginning of 2000 in Turkey accelerated year-to-date approaches and subjective criticism against it is the main subject of this study. In literature review the study, which examines leading photography culture magazines Geniş Açı and Kontrast tries to reveal the historical and current analysis of photo criticism and current photography practice. In this context, articles in journals show in which context the current photography practice has been criticized and what argument this context has emerged theoretically. The study suggests that contemporary approaches that are practical against modernist criticisms should be evaluated with a cynical attitude that should be handled in a postmodern context. Based on this, this study focuses on some questions: What is the context of the criticisms made on photography in Turkey?; How criticisms evaluate contemporary photography practice and new wave?; What kind of methodology do subjective approaches have photographically?; and why is this new wave called late avant-garde?



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